Saturday, May 12, 2012

IDEA: What is Charming's real name?

Prince Charming is quite the dashing fellow; even Regina can see the allure. And while the charmer's backstory has been revealed, one question still remains: what is Prince "Charming" James' real name?

Most Oncers are aware of Charming's history, but for those who are not, a quick recap:

Prince James was one of a set of twin boys, traded to King George through Rumplestiltskin as an infant by his desperate parents. His brother, a shepherd, was still alive and living with their natural mother Ruth, unaware of his brother's fate or existence. James grew up to be a great warrior, meeting his end at the hands of a devious enemy. King George, needing a son to unite his kingdom with that of King Midas, dispatched Rumplestiltskin again to Ruth's farm. There he offered to save their failing land if her shepherd son would agree to take his brother's place as Prince. While disgusted with the offer at first, the Shepherd agreed to the deal and assumed the name of Prince James.

But what was the Shepherd's name before he took his brother's name?

I think the answer is in front of us: it's David.

Regina showed a spot of affection for Charming in both Episode 20 "The Stranger" and Episode 21 "An Apple Red As Blood." I think she may have liked him enough to have given him back his real name, as her own twisted gift to him in Storybrooke.

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