Sunday, April 29, 2012

*PROVEN* THEORY: August Wayne Booth is Pinocchio

All righty...

I had previously posted a theory stating that Dr. Whale was Pinocchio (you can read that here), but after viewing Episode 19 "The Return," I can see that I was wrong, though I still think I made good arguments. Here are the reasons why I now think August Wayne Booth is Pinocchio:

He's from FTL: In "The Return," August reveals to Mr. Gold that he is also from Fairy Tale Land.

The paperweight: In "The Return," Mr. Gold picks up August's paperweight, which is a wooden donkey. Pinocchio is made of wood and also began to turn into a donkey in the Disney film.

The "shin splints": In Episode 18 "The Stable Boy," August has pain in his legs that he claims is shin splints when he and Emma approach the marked hole where Ruby found the mystery boxed heart. Then, in "The Return," August rolls out of bed with intense leg pain before limping to the desk to make the phone call to someone and telling them to "accelerate the plan." (By the way, I think he was calling Mother Superior/Blue Fairy. Look for more on that in my upcoming Baelfire theory.) I think this is a sign that he's turning back into wood more and more with each lie that he tells.

Plenty of wood to go around:  Immediately after his phone call, August meets Henry at a lumber yard before heading into Mr. Gold's shop in "The Return."

He's dying- and needs magic: Same episode, August tells Mr. Gold that he is dying of something unnamed, and requires magic in order to live. Can you guess what I think he's dying of?

His initials: August Wayne Booth. A.W.B. A Wooden Boy.

His father: Mother Superior told Mr. Gold that August had come to see her for counsel regarding a possible reunion with his long-estranged father. Mr. Gold assumed from this that August is Baelfire, which was proven false. I think August was referring to Marco/Geppetto.

So if August is Pinocchio, why isn't he affected by the Curse?

There are various possible scenarios to how it could have happened, but the main point of what I think happened is this: Pinocchio was in the enchanted wardrobe -as a wooden boy- when the Curse transported everyone to Storybrooke, and was made real when he arrived here. And remember in Episode 1 "Pilot," when Emma tells Henry that she was found by a freeway? We got more information about that in Episode 9 "True North," when Emma is seen looking at her own case file. There is a headline that says "7-Year-Old Boy Finds Baby On Side Of Road." Now what would a 7-year-old boy be doing out by the side of a road/freeway...unless he had just arrived in Our World with her?

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